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Penelope Charity Jeannica Valerie Janice Yoong Debbie Ethel Zhi Ying DEAREST;SIS Gracia Alicia YingQi Reaiah Clara Traci Jiahui Judaxil Shariel Hui Ying Stephanie Rachel Claudia Marissa
May 2007
June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 March 2009 June 2009 Bituwin -
template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. When God Ran - Better Days
Saturday, June 30, 2007
2-2B peeps;
We couldnt decide so we decided to vote. Remember, WE WILL GO WITH THE MAJORITY. RULES: 1. Each person can only vote ONCE. Dont be greedy! xD 2. DON'T vote by tagging. Sms your vote to my handphone. 3. All votes to be in by MONDAY, 8pm. * LATE VOTES WILL NOT BE COUNTED. My comments on the ORANGE shirt; Personally, I prefer the orange shirt cos it has a tinge of orange which makes it unique. The neckline is smaller, which is a good thing just in case you need to bend down. My comments on the WHITE shirt; White's a more neutral colour. The neckline is broader, more comfortable. ![]() ![]() Finally an update. :) I've been lazy to blog this few days, so yeah. It back to school. Sigh. It's the 'back to school blues'. What do you expect? :( Anyways, on a lighter note, we had a 3.5km run at ECP yesterday. :D It was FUN, excluding the part where my knee was hurting like crap. GRACIA; Thanks so much for cheering me on the run. :) ETHEL; Thanks for the knee guard! Oh. And so sorry I made the hole in your knee guard bigger! HAWHAW! xD After the run, Lumpy, ethel and me went to Queensway to look for class shirt. Walked in and out of so many shirt printing shops to get the best price. We spent so many hours there lah! Tell you a secret, Eth's really brave(or you could say thick-skinned). She can really bargain! We shopped till we drop. I mean literally. The bus and train ride home was the best! :D On the bus, we met with this crazy(eth says so) indian guy. Eth and me were sitting together. I was sitting inside and eth, outside. He came to us and started mumbling and pointing his finger at us. I was like 'HUH?'. So he repeated himself. But no, it didnt help a wee bit cos he was still mumbling. xD Bad move. Eth started to freak out and she moved in the seat, squeezing poor me to the window. I couldn't understand what he was saying so I concluded that he wanted to share seat with us. I cant imagine why I thought of that! xD I mean imagine me, eth and that indian guy sharing seat! HILARIOUS! XDD Then I looked at Lumpy and amazingly, SHE COULD COMPREHEND THAT GUY'S GIBBERISH! She told us that he wanted one dollar. Eth immediately said she didnt have a dollar and placed her bag between herself and that man like some kind of protective shield. Seriously, I've never seen Eth so scared before. One moment, she can be so thick-skinned and bargain for the best price, and the next she can be so scared of an indian man asking for a dollar! It's just so BIZZARE! x) She told us that was because there are many crazy people in bishan area. She got chased by a mad women with an umbrella before! Can you believe that?!?! We were so distracted that we forgot to count the number of stops. So we just alighted. Turns out that we alighted 2 stops berfore the train station! HA! And we had to walk. DOUBLE HA! At the train station, Lumpy, eth and me were having a laughing fit. Then, TO MY UTTER HORROR, I realised that I was beginning to laugh like ethel! I tried to stop myself but I ended up laughing even louder! xD So in conclusion, it was a rather eventful day yesterday. :))
Thursday, June 14, 2007
![]() For one second our eyes met And I met that with a question, I don't know where I'm going Just walking on aimlessly. I've been a liar and I'll never amount to be that kind of person You deserve to worship You. But You still chose to love me when I was so unlovely. You said You'll never dwell on what I did but what I do. Oh...Your Unconditional Love I'll never understand. But that, I'll choose to accept. ~ Your First Step, Your last breath. Eveything's been planned. The questions and answers you'll never really understand. I hold on but let go. Giving you room to breathe, But always reminding you that I'll always be around, Even when you frown. Remembering the best things were never mine to keep. Starting at the ending, Never from the Beginning to the Ending. You won't break while Youre bending. Been there and back again. Even when the music ends. Trust Me, I know all. Lean on Me, I'll be there when you fall. Your life is a flashback. A question. A photograph. A statement A story A struggle A chance of survival. A chance to laugh Because if You don't laugh, You'll cry. A last crescendo when You die. So hit the rewind and listen. It's the playback. The soundtrack to Your life. Yes Charity, it's emo talk again. :)
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
![]() I believed everything you told me. But you played love like it was a game. Was it pure innocence or plain stupidity? I guess it doesnt matter now. Forget the things we swore we meant.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
OLIVIA(AH OLI) HERE! I just came back from CONFIDENT COMMUNICATOR course at MC! Thought I'll blog about it while I still have the memories in my brain. If not they'll just fly out of my brain when I sleep. HAWHAW! Quite a number of interesting things happened. It's STORY TIME! xD! DAY 1 Things were rather dull on the 1st day. New faces, new team, new trainers. Everyone was like in the 'do I really have to be here?' kind of mood. So yeah. 3 hours passed super S L O W L Y. DAY 2 Things did brighten up a little. That's a good thing since it was gonna be 9 hours long. We were forced by our trainers to be in boy-girl pair. Worse, we had to talk for quite long. About ourselves and...other stuff(?) I was like ' OMG. Today's gonna be a LOOONNNGGG day.' But I soon got used to it. Kinda. :x 9 hours sitting cross-legged on the floor was TERRIBLE for me. My knees were hurting like crap. :( I was practically sweating cold sweat. Stupid injury. :( Played Queen and servant. I was QUEEN! HAWHAW! x) DAY 3 (Final Day) Things were BRIGHT and SUNNY! :D Started off with blow wind blow, followed by FRUIT SALAD. They're quite similar. Then came the bad part. Me and this small guy(no offence) were like 'snatching' for a place. Ran towards the same spot. Couldnt put on the brakes fast enough. He STEPPED on my foot! He's quite heavy, or should I say has strong feet(?), for his size. He landed on my old injury! Yeah. So I think I sprained it AGAIN. It was so freaking painful, I felt like sitting out of the game. But I thought I should just continue. Didnt want to miss out on the fun. :D My foot still hurts. :( Yes, I know. Injuries love me. UNFORTUNATELY, I dont exactly like them. :/ Was chosen to act 'Queen and Slave' in front of the others and parents. Almost. Lack of time, so it was cancelled. THANK GOD! I did that 3 times. I was running out of ideas. Kept repeating about MILO DINOSAUR. At the end, there was this slideshow on the past 3 days. And my UNGLAM picture was shown to 200+ people! AHHHHH!!!! Haha. Like anyone would remember. I hope not. :)) Oh yeah. I got a new name. "STEFANIE/STEPHANIE!" Inside joke. If you werent there, I doubt you'll understand! HAHAHA! Derek; If you happen to be reading my blog... Whatever you said about me and MY MILO DINOSAUR, MILO DINASAUR's still my ONE AND ONLY LOVE! <3 HOMIES in SNYDER! :D Girls: EUNICE; NICE girl. Rather quiet. But as they say, you gotta be a friend to that somebody first! APRIL; She may look rather 'pai gia' on the outside but yeah, SHE'S REALLY SWEET! HUI MIN; Sleepyhead! :) You shouldnt stress yourself over that debate. See, it's OVER now! :) XIN HUI; SUPER CHEERFUL! xD! Love your jacket! P.S She's REALLY SMART! From VJC (my dream school)! GRACE; LOVELY GIRL but a little evil lah. She knew that I was from the same school as her but she chose to keep SILENT. Made me feel so malu-ated when I asked her what school she was from. Worse still, we're in the same level! Made me feel so guilty that I didnt even know her. HAHA. But it was still nice of her to notice me in like about 350 sec 2s. So...in conclusion, she's a nice person. Yayy! x) XIU MING; SUPER NICE! Always smiling! :) HUI QIN; COOL HAIR! HAHA. :D Guys: The most outstanding out of all... DRUMROLLLL! DEREK; REALLY spontaneous. REALLY friendly. But he seems to have something against me and my MILO DINOSAUR! Has a BRACES SMILE! Hmmm...oh yes. He's a REALLY TALENTED SWIMMER. Actually went to Vietnam(i think) and represented S'pore in some swimming competition. Unfortunately, he had FOOD-POISONING the day before. xD! He's rather FUNNEH! I thought he was at least in JC 1(turns out he's sec 4) and he thought I was sec 4. I actually get that quite alot, so it didnt really matter. TIMOTHY; Has a REALLY LOUD voice. REALLY TALLLL. Overall, he's rather nice. :) Oh. HE'S A GREAT SLAVE! MUAHAHAHAHA! Thought he was like 17. Turns out he's 15. OHKAYYYY. That was a rather bad estimation on my part. SMALL GUY(cant remember his name); Youngest there I think. Really quiet. Could open up a little bit more yepp? :) oh and, I FORGIVE YOU FOR STEPPING ON MY FOOT! X) *Sorry, I couldnt remember all of you. If I left you out, you could tell me and I'll try to remember. :) LOVE ALL MY HOMIES! <3 Time check: 11:37pm It's been a LOOONNNGG day. Now comes my favourite part. BEDTIME! xD |