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olivia ♥ 250393' Everything I claim mine is yours, not a single thing on Earth did I deserve. The expressions and emotions from the depths of my heart. Take this life, I want to live for you. Let my life be a testimony- that speaks of the things that You've done for me. My life charted out in Your hands, written out before a single day had passed. and novels are my favorite things.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

From My Broken Heart To Yours

I'm not gonna tell you don't cry, cos I know that it hurts
And you don't have to pretend that you're fine, when you're down in the dirt
But when you feel like letting go
Feels like theres nothing left to hold on to
Hold on..
To the one that does not change
To the one thing in life that remains the same
Hold on, just keep holding on

If you're going through the heartbreaks of life, don't lose control
Cos itll only be a matter of time, where you'll see the glow, in all this
If you're going through the hardships of life, stay strong and fight
Just know that He's been with you all this time, and He's in control, of all this

Theres always another side to this story untold
And someday you'll realise that you weren't that alone

One day soon,
A stronger you will sing this tune
Hold on..
To the one that does not change
To the one thing in life that remains the same
Hold on, just keep going on

If you're going through the heartbreaks of life, don't lose control
Cos itll only be a matter of time, where you'll see the glow, in all this
If you're going through the hardships of life, stay strong and fight
Cos what you have left is more than enough, and He's in control, of all this

Who holds the universe?
Who made the heavens and the earth?
Who took the weight of the world?
Who holds your world in His hands, who holds your world in His hands
Who holds your world in His hands

Indeed, "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, He rescues those whose spirits are crushed."

Thursday, June 25, 2009

As a absolute lover of food, I believe that food has to be as good to look at as it is to eat. Although I'm supposed to be hitting the books during the hols, I have been in front of the screen more and more because of the suprise I'm planning for mommy on her birthday this Sunday! (; For being the BEST and the ONLY mommy, I'm more than happy to sacrifice my study time(like DUH)! As much as I prefer to take on the role of a taster and a critic, I think it's time to throw on a chef's hat and whip up something creative for mommy on her special day. (:

Hence, I've decided to do a kyaraben breakfast for her. NOTE: Kyaraben or charaben (キャラ弁), a shortened form of character bento (キャラクター弁当, kyarakutā bentō), is a style of elaborately arranged
bento which features food decorated to look like people, characters from popular media, animals, and plants. Japanese homemakers often spend considerable time devising their children's meals including their boxed lunches, intended to arouse interest from children in their food and to encourage a wider range of eating habits. Now, I've taken up this challenge and I think I may be getting a wee bit of cold feet.

Like I said, it's breakfast but authentic kyaraben has rice in it. Do I do it the authentic way or substitute it for bread? What if the bread gets soggy (because I'm planning to put in steamed broccoli and other veg to perk it up)? And would mommy want rice bright and early in the morning? It won't cause indigestion or anything right???? RAHHHHH! I knew bentos were hard to do, but I never knew it was this hard ): And I haven't even got down to make it yet, it's just the planning part! HOWWWW????

Oh well. I better start cracking my brains and make a decision FAST. I need to get the ingredients too. :/

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Verse 1
Sinking sand, faltering feet
Rising waters, Lord I can't keep my stand
Can't keep my stand

Verse 2
Rising waves over me
Collapsing foundations, Oh Lord where do I stand
Where do I stand?

Oh Lord, You said You're close to the brokenhearted
Rescuing those whose spirits are crushed
As Your people, Lord, we will face many trials
Yet time and time again, I'm reminded of Your Promise
That You'll rescue me

Falling, know You're catching
Running, know You're guiding my feet
Soaring, as We take flight
Take me higher (as we take flight)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

ohkayyy. I'm feeling awfully bored now. Homework is calling out to me but I think I shall feign that I can't hear it. Procrastination! Haha! So my purpose here was to kill boredom as well as share with you guys some random facts about myself cos usually I just write about interesting events or just some thoughts. So here goes! (:

#1. When I eat, I tend to eat everything I have on my plate before drinking a sip of water/drink. Reason? I seriously cannot stand it when people drink while eating, especially when the drink's contained in a transparent bottle. Ohmygosh, it's like sooo gross when you see little bubbles of oil or some food particle floating in it. Like ewwww. :/

#2. Another random fact about FOOD. I CANNOT stand it when people don't finish their food. I'll start thinking about the children who go hungry everyday in Africa and feel awfully guilty. Well, let's just say my parents were effective in drilling that into me. HAHA! (:

#3. When I was in kindergarten, I had a best friend called Stephanie. Her dream to become an SIA air stewardess influenced to me want to become one too. Yeah, the mentality behind that was of course because of the girlish thinking that BFs have to be together FOREVER, like for eternity or smtg. Then, that dream died off but recently, it's been revived. If that's what you wanna call it. But then again, I'm not so sure :/

#4. When my sis and I were super young, we always watched power rangers. yeah, I know you're giving me the -.- face now. But Hey, not all girls ONLY watch 'Barbie and the diamond castle' or some other girly show okay? Anws, we were constantly quarreling about who to be the PINK power ranger. Ohkayy, I know you're probably grabbing your tummy and rolling on the floor, laughing. But seriously. And she always won cos she's older than me. So I was forced to take on the role of the YELLOW power ranger. Abuse of authority, I tell you. HAHA!

#5. I am TERRIFIED of lizards. I'd rather be sleeping in the same room with a cockroach than with a lizard. You can just smack a cockroach dead but if you try to smack a lizard, it's tail would come off unattached, like it wasn't even part of the entire lizard itself. Worse still, it'll start flipping around. So, lizards: DEAD or ALIVE? Dead. No doubt about that.

#6. Speaking about insects or creepy crawlies or whatever. What would you do when one of those stuff mentioned previously falls onto you? I'm talking to majority of girls, not you macho guys. Mostly you girls would go screaming like some damsel in distress saying, "Get it off me, get it off of me!" But uhuh, not me. This is what I'll do in an actual situation: I wouldn't be squeal, acream or what not. It's just not an instinct. Open my eyes wide to find anything I can get my hands on to smack that thing. If there's no newspaper, magazine or blah blah, I'll use my hand to flick it off, wait. I think whack it off is more like it. Like I'll get really violent. After a while, like a whole minute after the whole scenario, I'll be like "ohmygosh, that was so gross. Stupid bug. EWWWWWW!" It's like my macho-man side will show first before my girly girl side. Yes, there's a manly man inside every girly girl. I believe that with all my heart. (:

#7. I absolutely do not like it when people in large groups sing happy birthday to me. It's like I feel everyone's eyes burning through me and if you know me well, you'd know I do not like being in the limelight or whatsoever. I absolutely have no idea what to do during that entire antagonizing minute or two cos you're not supposed to sing cos you're the birthday girl. Speaking of birthdays, mine's coming right up. Now, I have to devise a plan on what to do while they sing. Any ideas, anyone? (:

#8. I love art. Pretty much in any form, be it a sketching or photography. I wanted to be an artist when I was real young. But mommy said no ): She said cannot earn money, and we're not even talking about huge sums, we're talking about like the basic for you to live with a roof over your head and food to eat. Come to think of it, I think it's quite true. Most of the artists are somewhat like that. It was only after they die that their works are able to sell for millions of dollars.

#9. Out of all that God created, I think the sky was the most AWESOME of His work. I love running in the morning in solitude when the sun's not up. And as I run, I'll look up into the sky. Mann, it never fails to take me breath away. It's even more wonderful at night. When all the stars look like little peep holes. I recently saw the Orion belt and the North star. Prettypretty. (: I wish to get married under the stars. Aww... how romantic. Only problem is that it's be so dark cos we'll have to get away from the city lights that the guests will prolly only be able to see a floating white dress. Creepy.

#10. I hope to start investing more time into songwriting soon! I've tried a few times but only one survived without being thrown out. That was when I was really touched by God during devos (short for devotional time) and the words just flowed out naturally. Only problem is I need people to give me input on improvisation cos I'm not that advanced in piano yet. I think a band would be great. Someone who majors in the keyboard, drums, bass, guitar. Nice.

Well, I guess that sums it all. Good night peeps! (:

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hellllllooooooo lil' bloggy! (: Finally, I'm here to update after a gazillion years. Wellwell, sch's been indescribable lah. Good+Bad=? Good cos I've got AWESOME company plus ART which is getting so FUNFUNFUN but I'm graduating alrdy. I drew manymany portraits. Used to detest sketching faces but now I think I'm kinda addicted to it. (: Will scan in and upload when I have the time and remember to do so. Probability: 0.0000000000000000001% Unless a miracle happens or smtg. haha. Bad cos I realised how close mid-years are and I'm starting to feel nauseous. Yeah, no kidding. :/
Anws, today was PLTT had match against St. Nic's. We lost 4-1 but had lots of fun cheering! (: So I wouldn't say it was time wasted. Could feel quite a bit of the PL spirit mann! At least I know I was screaming my lungs out and till my head throbbed. Haha, how often do I get to do that huh? We grabbed boards recycled from last yr's badminton matches and used hollow shuttlecock tubes as clapper sticks. Everyone was like shouting "PL FIGHT BACK!" or " (insert name) steady" or "Go slow". The ultimate was "HAO QIU, SHA!" which means "good shot, kill(?)". Haha. LOVE CHEERING! It's a natural high! (:

Tmr's schedule gonna be pretty hectic. Normal lessons till 2pm. Class race heats at 3.30pm. Leave sch at 5.30pm and rush down to EXPO for conference. Home-sweet-home at only 11+? Well, think I better have an early night! (:

Sidenote: So lookingg forward to conference! WOOOOHOOOOOO! x)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Bet you're wondering why I'm blogging again today. Yepp, blogging on consecutive days ain't the norm butbutbut, today's SPECIALLLL! Today, I'm feeling so SUNSHINEEEEEEEE HAPPYYYYYYY, all because of a big miracle that happened today! It may seem small to you all but it's a gigantic+enormous= GINORMOUS breakthrough for me. Tadaaaaa!((((((((: I could go on and on with the smiley and make it a mutiple-chinned smiley but I guess I'll spare you guys. x)

Well well, the day started off pretty bleak. Pard didn't come to school today. And I was sooo pathetically lonely. But on a brighter side, I paid more attention than I normally did, not that I don't listen during lessons. I was just MORE attentive. Period. Was dreading house meeting, kept glancing out the window, watching the primary kids skip out of school. Mann, I was so envious that they could go home at 12.30pm. Not that I dislike house meeting or anything, I'm a LOYAL ARCHER-ian ohkayy! Ask anyone. (: It's just that I've had some intimidating experiences. Headed to the gym to kill time. School ended at 2pm but house meeting only started at 3.30pm so yepp.

A couple of weeks ago, I was appointed level head for sec4/5. It was soo terrible. The attendance list was all chunked up together, all the classes, even last year's graduates were in the list. Imagine how chaotic it was! Messymessymessy. All of a sudden, someone shouted at me. It was a sec 5 I was unfamiliar with. Apparently, she was the girl everyone had warned me against, I didn't realise till later. She demanded the attendance list for me. She snatched it away from me and called me some hokkien vulgar word which is too inappropriate for me to mention. Woah, did I get a shock. No one had ever called me that, much less someone who didn't even know me well enough to judge me. Apparently, her name wasn't on the list, and she got crankier. But my mind was in too much a state of shock so I didn't say anything. Dumbfounded I was. At that moment, I wanted to dig up a hole and bury myself. Like seriously. On my way home that day, I was like in a sense, 'complaining' to God, pouring out all my woes. It was so frustrating. Unexpectedly, I started seeing her in a different point of view, looking past all her attitude and vulgaries. I started thinking stuff like, 'She must have a reason for being so defensive, I really don't think it's entirely her fault. From her looks, she looks like a real nice person.' Even I was shocked to hear my own thoughts, never in a million years could I have done it if not for God's grace that came upon me. From that day on, I kinda developed a phobia of house meeting. But at the same time, I kept praying for her, that God will use me as a vessel to show love to her and that bit by bit, God will remove all her hatred and heal her brokeness.

Well guess what? God came through for me today. She was extremely nice to me. When she passed the attendance list back to me, she said, "What's your name?" I tried to restrain the surge of shock and managed to say, "olivia". In the sweetest tone ever, she said,"Do you have the competitors namelist?" And I was like," Nope. But I'll help you check it out now." Apparently, there wasn't one so I asked if she participated in any event last year. But she couldn't remember. But I did help her to the best of my ability, so I was quite proud of myself. (:

Later on, I was asked to collect fine for those who weren't in archer shirt. When I came to her, I told her, "Hey, but could you help me collect the fine from your class for me?" She said," how much?" "1 dollar." "B******t" I said, "So sorry but yeah." The moment 'sorry' came out of my mouth, I only felt one thing- regret. I mean I didn't even do anything wrong! i was scolding myself in my head, "What's wrong with you?!' She exchanged a couple of words with her friends and later asked me to say they didn't have money to pay up. I was like, 'Alrighhtttttt.(in unsure tone)' As I moved on to collect the fine from other classes, I heard her say to her friend(if my ears heard rightly), "She's quite sweet(or was it 'nice') huh?" Her friend said something and then she was like, "She said sorry to me just now leh! Of course lah, she scared of me mah!" Happy feeling was gone. I was like, "Crap. Wrong move mann!" Oh well, it was a lil' slip of the tongue. But yeah, after today, I'm sure that underneath her intimidating appearance and attitude is a really really sweet person. (:

A total 180 degrees change in attidude. Isn't this a miracle or what? I can't tell you how my heart is overflowing with pure joy and how thankful I am to God!

Well, what can I say? I think I'm starting to see a whole new meaning of this year's theme for my church:


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ohkay ohkay. UPDATE UPDATE! Mann, it's been quite hectic lately. Uhh, come to think of it, maybe it ain't that bad, but oh well I've just been pretty lazy to update my lil' bloggy and so yepp, it's growing moss. But oh well, I shall just make it quick. Laptop's bat is running out.
So, CNY celebration in school was awesomatedly FUNFUNFUN. The performances were GREAT, tons better than the the previous 3 years. :x I can't believe this is the first time Clara came for it. I had to practically FORCE her to come. Thank God that she's in class comm so she had to join me for the Bless The Community Project. If not for that, I don't think she'll even attend CNY throughout her four years in sec life. Oh mann, guzheng was especially entertaining. Woah, I had the sudden urge to take up guzheng after O's. I still have a wee bit of that urge. (: Clara, Eth, Charity, Sukanya and me went totally high. Well, actually the entire sec 4 cohort. We were like screaming and screaming cos of some competition among the levels. Cherades(?), just that it's in Chinese. HAHA!
Did quite some visiting on the first day of CNY. Woke up at 6.30am to go over Granny's house to help out with the cooking for guests cos Granny's leg was hurting pretty badly. Rushed home to change and off to mom's brother's house. Wasn't much to do there though cos we're closer to the cousins on Daddy's side. We only visit Mommy's side like twice to thrice a year so yeah. After that was off to grandaunt's house. Ate buffet for lunch. The brocoli was unusually sour. I thought they added lemon to the sauce to make it tastier so I gobbled it all done. When I was done, I heard grandaunty tell daddy not to eat the brocoli cos it had probably turned bad. And I was like 'What?! Ohmygosh. Why you never tell me earlier?!' Yepp, had a pretty bad tummyache last night.
Second day was so much better. People came to visit. Mommy's side. But cos we live quite near, we see them much more often so it was muchmuch better. G's got new hair. oli shock~ Haven't seen him in prolly 2 years, he doesn't really attend family functions so yepp. His hair is like Jap/Korean, dyed a lighter shade of brown, and a wee bit longish. Some people suit it, some don't but I guess it's alright. V's grown so much taller. He's my height already! (: He used to be bubbly and chatty but now he's sooo much quieter. Oh well, he's still friendly (: J and A are so cute as usual. Esp J, but he doesn't take much to me ): On the shy side I guess. For the rest of the day, I completed teachers' ang bao for us which unfortunately came in the form of tons of homework.
So, that pretty sums it all up. (; Sorry it's sooo rush but I gotta head to bed. Ayyeee, morning run tmr. Oh well, on the brighter side, we get to lose some weight from all those New Year goodies we've been gorging ourselves on (:
Nightnight, peeps!